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 Masonic Lodges  

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  Masonic Hall, Stevenson Street

 Lodge The Caledonian Railway No.354
 Lodge Glasgow at Glasgow No.441
 Lodge Glasgow Abercrombie No.1430
 Lodge Ballater No.1432
 Lodge Ulster No.1486

Brethren of 
Lodge The Caledonian Railway
150th Anniversary photo
taken in 1999
in Stevenson Street
Masonic Hall in 
Glesga's east-end

Lodge The Caledonian Railway No.354
           GlesgaPal Jim Blackburn
      Right Worshipful Master, 2000




Lodge Ballater, Glasgow No.1432
Installation programme from 4th Dec.1951 
This was sent to me by Glesga Pal, Peter Scott now living in Canada. He was installed in his mother lodge into the office of sword bearer, 
the RWM was Joseph R McGilvray that day.

The Masonic Apron belonged to Peter's father who was a member since 1918 of Lodge the Gael No.609 
Peter had his Dad's apron modified to conform to the Ballater Lodge tartan.

Glesga Pal Peter also fondly remembers attending The Lodge Glasgow No.3 bis. Memorium Service every December. It was a moving service conducted in the third and the names of deceased members were called individually and their aprons carried to the alter and placed there, after which a bugler sounded the last post.

The  Lambskin  Apron
It is not ornamental; its cost is not great,
There are things far more useful, yet truly I state
That of all my possessions none can compare
With the White Leather Apron, that all Masons wear.
As a young lad I wondered, just what it all meant,
When Dad hustled around, and so much time was spent
In shaving and dressing and looking just right.
Until Mother would say, it’s the Masons tonight.
Sometimes Mother would say, “Dad what makes you go,
Way up there tonight, through the sleet and snow;
You see the same things each night of the year.”
And then Dad would say, “Yes, I know my dear;
 Each time I see the same things, it is true,
Though they be old, they always seem new,
For each hand that I clasp, each friend that I greet
 Seem just a little closer, each time that we meet.
Years later I stood at that very same door,
With good men and true, who had entered before,
Kneeled at the Altar, and there I was taught.
That Virtue and Honour can never be bought.
That there on the level, men meet and abide..
That wealth and position, is all cast aside.
So Honour the Lambskin, and may it remain,
Forever, untarnished, and free from all stain.
So that when we are called to the Grand Architect’s Love
 We will meet him up there, in that Grand Lodge above.


Anyone with information on the Masonic Order in Glesga's east-end, please get in touch.



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Orange Lodge

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