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  Riverside Senior Secondary School 1959 ... 1st. year class


Oct 2002. Picture from Nancy Cave ( nee Lawson ),  Australia.
"This was taken in my first year at Riverside. I am the fourth from the left in the second back row."  Nancy attended Riverside from 1959 - 1962


Top Row

1 Edward Charlton
9. Teacher Mr.Boyd

2. Arnold Jamieson
6. Gordon Martin

3. Ian Buchanan
7. Jack Harrison


3rd Row
1  Ann McCarron
5. Beryl
2. Julie Currie
6.  Isobel Stewart
3. Margaret Redmond
7. Louise Affrossman
4. Nancy Lawson
8. Frances
2nd Row
1  Barbara Troy
5. Lorraine
2. Cathie Reilly
6. Wilma Aitkinson
3.  Janey Wilson
7.  Irene Muir
8. Maureen Dougherty
Front Row 2.  Billy Gray 3. John 4. 
 Please contact webmaister if you can put a name to a face, or have a tale to tell.


Extract from e-mail, Oct. 2002.  Nancy Cave  (e-mail :-   tba )

 "What a great site. I love it. I was so pleased to see the photo of Riverside School. It brought back many memories. I was born in Frazer Street, in my Grannies house. I haven't been back to Glesca for about 30 years so I probably wouldn't recognise many places. I will look through my old photos and see if I have any of the area. I am pleased you used my school photo. I will have a think and see if I can remember some of the names on it, and let you know........keep up the good work. Regards, Nancy"

Extract from e-mail, May. 2003  James McKenna
Webmaster, In Nancy Lawson's 1959 school photo the sixth person from the left in the top row is Gordon Martin. He lived in Fairbairn Street.

Extract from e-mail, Sandra Mitchell, Dec.2003,
Hi, Webmaister In the above named picture is ma uncle ian buchanan, 3rd from left on the top row!
Sandra Mitchell
Extract from e-mail, Dec.2006, Brian Charlton, Blantyre, Scotland
Hullo Webmaister...... Just a wee note to give you some info about the schools pages on your site.  The photo from Riverside Secondary - 1959 1st year shows my elder brother Edward Charlton (who is also listed correctly), I also went to Riverside, but no photos of me there either. I will see if I can find any to send you...  Love your site,  Brian.



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creator, owner & webmaister  Aug.2002 
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