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    Rumford Street School   Class of c1944/45  8/9 year olds                                             John Caldwell:


August.2003.  Sadie Fagan's class photograph.
Top Row 1. 
5  Archie Dunlop
9. Jackie Wilson
2. James Scott
10. W McKenzie
3. Tommy McLachlan  
11. J.Bell
4. A Millar
8. J McMillan
3rd Row
1. A. Agnew
5  T  Boyce
9. T  Wilson
6   Wullie Watson
10. J Alexander
3.  J McCloud  
7. David Fleming
11. John Symes
4. Francis Valente
8.  J Russell
12. Margaret Ashford
2nd Row  1. Robert McAulay
5  A McDougal
9. M McDougal
13. Billy Leggat
2.  V McArthur
6   June Hudson
10. Agnes McDonald
3.  L Cruth  
7.  A Donelly
11. H Grant
4.  Margaret McAleese
8.  M Russell
Front Row 1. 
9. I Cooke
2. N Dempster
6  Irene Dimbeck
10. M Muir
3. Sadie Fagan  
7.  C Archibald
4.  J McPherson

  Please contact webmaister if you can put a name to a face.  


Aug.2003, email, John Caldwell,  Australia.  
".......Here is a Rumford st School photo given to me by Sadie Fagan who now lives in Australia she was on a visit from Adelaide to here in the west visiting her cousin Wullie Watson from Savoy st who is also in the photo. They say photo was taken between 1944 & 1945 the ages could be 8 or 9 year olds ?. all the names listed are from Sadies memory.  The names are from the left.
Back row #2 James Scott #4 A Millar #5 A Dunlop #8 J McMillan #10 W McKenzie #11 J Bell.
Third row #1 A Agnew #3 J McCloud #5 T Boyce #6 W (Wullie) Watson #8 J Russell #9 T Wilson #10 J Alexander #11 M Ashford.
Second row #2 V McArthur #3 L Cruth #5 A McDougall  #6 H Hudson #7 A Donelly #8 M Russell #9 M McDougall  #11 H Grant.
Front row #2 N Dempster #3 Sadie Fagan #4 J McPherson  #7 C Archibald #9 I Cooke #10 M Muir.
Hope this meets with your approval Wull.
Take Care. Magic Site
Jun 2004, Margaret Dunlop,  Alberta, Canada.  
"...Hi Will, I have a name for you on the Rumford Street 1944/45 school photo. 2nd row #1 is Robert McAulay. 
(My Uncle) Thanks for all your time and effort on this website." 
Feb.2005 extract from e-mail Alec McLachlan
....the back row #3..... is my father...for whom I have not seen now for over 30 years...and was glad that a family member pointed me to this website...great to see some memorys of old bridgeton that i have...keep up the good work there mate...
Feb.2005 extract from grandpa is in the 3rd row at the back at the school his name is tommy mclachlan
Nov.2008 extract from e-mail Kelly Egan
....just wanted to let you know that my Granny is one of the unidentified people in the Rumsford Street School photograph 1944/1945 8-9 year olds. Her name (then) was Margaret McAleese and she is standing in the second row, number 4. 
Her and the family got a real kick out of seeing her as a child, thank you!
Feb.2014 e-mail June Cohen nee Hudson                                                                                                                       89.
I am in the photo of Rumford street school 1944 . I am in the second,row ,I am put  as H Hudson but my name is June. I am trying to contact any one in the class that may know me.  I did have a friend called Nessie. I hope you can help me.
Oct.2020 e-mail  Morag Watson, Glasgow
Hi my name is Morag Watson and have just found the school photo with my mother in it,ca n you add her name on to the photo please. Agnes McDonald , 2nd row no10



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