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John  Street Primary School    class 1971 


(this primary school was located at Hozier Street Bridgeton ....  ).

Back Row 1.   Gordon McLean
5.   Brian Smith
9.   Ian Munro
2.   J Gallacher
6.   Brian Gillespie 
10. William McLaughlin
3.   Jim Martin
7.  Brian Angel
4.   John Lynham
8.  Jim Findlay
3rd Row 1.  Teacher
5.  Wilma Gorman
9.  Lynn McLuckie
2.   Liz Gray
6.   Carol Leitch
10. Vina Purdie
3.   Julia Irving
7.   Janice Ralston
11. Gina Thomson
4.   Linda Brannan
8.   Lorraine Hetherington
12. Rosslyn Graham
2nd Row 1.  Billy Thomson
5.  June Paton
9.  Myra Thomson
2.  Christina Alexander
6.  Wilma McNair
10. Frances MacKay
3.   Linda Yule
7.   Jean Taylor
11. Peter McCully
4.  Jean Haldane
8.  Mary Mansell
Front  1.  Jim Barker
5.  Henry Robertson
2.   Colin Weir
6.   William Hill
3.  Jim Edgar
4.  David Dias


October 2002.  Liz Gray ( now Chalmers ) sent in this class photograph
 See Liz's class photographs from 1964 & 1967.




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