Oct.2005, Margaret
Here (nee Gibson), Hampshire , England
hello I was so surprised and happy of course. to see my school photo.
my name is Margaret Gibson and I am 3rd in front row, with blue dress on.
I would also like my brothers name filled in to please he is Stephen
Gibson always known as Stevie. his class is 1967 8yr olds and he is
sitting on the floor at the front, 3rd one in from left. just like to put
a wee quick message in case there might be someone who wants to get in
touch we lived at 54 Ruby Street above the washhouse which is obviously
the posh word for steamie.... we moved there about 1966 just after the
tram station was demolished but before they started building the 3 blocks
of flats. we lived there with my mum and dad Alice and William
I am the youngest of 5 kids alice,janet,william, stevie and me margaret.
In 1971 or 72 we moved to livingston where i lived till i was 17 and have
lived in Hampshire ever since. Sadly mum died of cancer 1996 all us
brothers and sisters live close by each other and are still looking out
for each other even in our 40's and 50's. xx
Anyway hope this is going to the correct place sorry if it's not and im
causing unessesary work. if it is thanks so so much and hopefully look
forward to hearing from someone soon. donation on it's way might need some
help as to where to send it ..... thanks a million m.g.