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 Dalmarnock Primary School  - Class of c1932-34  


March 2004.  GlescaPal Joe Pritchard, sent in his old class photo.  Some wonderful hairstyles in this photograph  


Top Row
5   May Armstrong
2. .......... Ballantyne
6  M. Monteith
3.   May Ritchie
7   A. McMillan
4th Row

1. ............ Cranston
5  James McNair
2. Joe Pritchard

3.  Tom Brocas
9   ........ Cuthbert
4  ........... Graham
10 Teacher Miss Stewart
3rd Row

1.  ..............  Buchanan
5   .............. McDonald
6  ................. McNab
3.   Scotty Brace
8  ................... Murray
10  J. Cochran
2nd Row

1.  Betty Macreath
5   Betty Logan
2.  A. Anderson
6   Margaret Rogan
3.   Jeanie Ford
7    H Softley
4   Betty McLean
11   Jane McGregor
Front Row 1.  Jane Smith 2.   Archie Jack 3. William Sproul 4   Ellen Mathews
  Please contact the Webmaister if you can put a name to a face or have a tale to tell.


Joe Pritchard 2004 !March 2004 Joe Pritchard, Brisbane, Australia
"I was at Dalmarnock P.S, and the teacher I remember was Mr.French, a fine teacher. He lived in Greenhead St.  I had just started at John St. Senior Secondary when war broke out and was evacuated to Lochmaben and billeted with a lovely family, which although the parents are dead now, I am still in touch with their family. I was called up to the army beginning of 45, served for a while in the Black Watch, and after a couple of years whilst serving in Egypt was transferred to RASC, probably because I was playing soccer {fitba} I played with some well known names, particularly Mike Haughney of Celtic. I could not forget that name coming from Brigton. I hope to send a school class photograph, I think it was taken about 1934, Ms.Stewart is the teacher in it. 
I have found a long lost cousin, namely Charlie Robb, living in the U.S.A. I hope to find a school photograph taken at Dalmarnock P.S. with yours truly, and I am sure some of your subscribers will be in it. I think it might have been taken in 1933-4. Keep up the good work, as it is a fantastic web-site. G'day."

March 2004 Joe Pritchard, Brisbane, Australia
Webmaister thanks for a great job on the Dalmarnock P.S.photograph.The boy seated front,second in from the right is William Sproul,sorry at this stage I cannot think of any of the other names .By the way the teacher in it was a woman. If my memory serves me right she took music classes, but then in those days teachers taught all sorts of subjects. G'day mate.----Joe
June 2009 Margaret Symington (nee Rogan), Glasgow, Scotland.
extracts from letter " Dear Mr.McArthur I have just bought myself a laptop, I have still a lot to learn, however I am finding it very interesting. my son and my niece have been helping me. ........ I saw the Dalmarnock School photo and it was my class photo and this is why I am writing to you."
Margaret thinks this photo is c1932. She was born in Ruby Street, Bridgeton in 1926 see her 1936/38 class photo
Webmaister : when Joe sent me this photo he gave me two names, his own and Willie Sproul now thanks tae GlescaPals Margaret Symington has added another 28 names to this c1932-34 class photo!  Many thanks Margaret.




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