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 Bluevale Primary School      



Please contact webmaister if you  have a tale to tell about this school 
2011.    Duke Street looking south into Bluevale Street with Millerston St. high rise flats in the background. 
photo by Norrie McNamee, GlescaPals admin.

Aug.2011, Email, Norman Eadie, Essex, England
Hello Webmaister, I've just been "surfing" and came across your website - brought tears to my eyes when I also discovered Bluevale Primary had been demolished.  I attended Bluevale from January 1954 until June 1959 (then went on to Whitehill Senior Secondary). 
My first Primary had been Budhill (near Shettleston) as we used to live in the "prefabs" in Hollowglen Road, until I was six years old, then we moved to Dennistoun, just across the main road from Bluevale Primary (down passed Alfie's Chip shop on the corner) and into the tenements in Plant Street (which is now just grass) - it ran parallel with Duke Street. 

I haven't been able to find any photographs of my school pals online, but I'm sure I have an old school photograph somewhere in the house and will gladly upload it onto your site (once I learn how to do that!!) - Our teacher for the last few terms at Bluevale was Ann McCracken - young redhead (well she seemed younger than the rest of them!) perhaps she was still there when you attended - maybe that's why I finished up marrying a Glasgow redhead when I was in the RAF - have just retired from Fife Council and moved from Scotland to Essex recently, so you can imagine what it's like trying to find bits & pieces (especially photographs) amongst all the boxes. 
Hope to hear from you - Regards, Norman.

Webmaister  ...... Norman thanks for the memories!  I didn't attend Bluevale Primary I was a Brigton boy!



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