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 Masonic Lodges  

No.103 No.114 No.116 No.275 No.347 No.524
No.354 No.1432 No.1230 No.1361 No.1557



Masonic Lodges have been established in Glasgow for centuries.
The Provincial Grand Lodge of Glasgow was constituted in 1739.

is very close to the hearts of all Freemasons and here in Glasgow we not only willingly assist our own brethren and their dependants on a regular basis through monetary grants of immediate and annual ongoing aid but also have the facility to raise funds for non-Masonic projects.
An example of which is that over the three years 2001-2004 Glasgow Freemasons have generously donated over £45,000 in aid of two very worthwhile projects within the City.      
These were the Schiehallion Unit at Yorkhill Hospital where research is being progressed into Stem Cell Cancer.
Yorkhill Hospital, in dealing with children's cancers, provides great hope, treatment and care for those youngsters with leukaemia and of course their families.  Treatment for Children and the Teenage Cancer Trust situated at Gartnavel Hospital where progressive treatment is provided. 
        Grand Lodge of Scotland                                                 

What is freemasonry                                    see also youtube video





Anyone with information on the Masonic Order in Glesca's east-end, please get in touch...... photos, articles etc. .....



Church Index


   Masonic : Stevenson St 103 114 116 275  
            347 354  
  Orange Lodge       1230 1361 1432 1557


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  © welcome to  GlescaPals / GlesgaPals  remember to sign the Guestbook 
creator, owner & webmaister  Aug.2002 
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