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  c'mon we'll get a Bus.......



saw the introduction
of Motorbuses
initially used in the
new housing schemes


 Daimler, Leyland Titan, Leyland Atlantean

was Glesga's first 30ft long bus
Nicknamed 'the Bomber', seating capacity 73.

Leyland Titan,  
Glasgow bought 300 of these 
rear entrance buses between 
1956 and 1961, seating capacity 61   

Leyland Atlantean, 


photo courtesy of © Gordon Adams 

Old Glasgow 
Corporation Bus
travelling through 
Bridgeton Cross

The "wee hoose" is the 
office for the weighbridge.
This was situated in Olympia St




Extract from messageboard May 2003, Betty Murphy, New Zealand  (email tba )
".....have any of you been on one of the old buses [of course you have ] where you had to get on the back, well I conducted on them often enough, in the drivers cabin , they used to be able to take the hose off from the heater, if you remember looking into the bus from the platform you could see the little vent, where all the conductors stood with their backs to it in the winter to keep warm, when the drivers would take off the hose and talk into it and it came into the bus, many a laugh we had with young blokes and their girlfriends, the driver saying" take your hands off her she's MY wife" and countless other things they would say and the passengers would be looking all over the bus wondering where the voice was coming from, It wasn't so funny in the winter, as no heat came through while he was being a comic!"

Glasgow was the last place in the British Isles where all three forms of public street transport could be seen operating together. Tramcar, motorbus and trolleybus

The last tramcar ran on September 1962

The demise of the famous Glesga clippie "c'mon get aff" took place in 1969 with the conversion
to 'One Man Operated' system. 


Continue the journey.......more  Buses 2 Trolley's


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