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Springfield Primary School   1957   


April 2003.  Jim McKenna sent in this class photograph.    see also the class of 1953

Top Row 1. Teacher Mr Phail
5  Edwin Walker
9. Douglas Dickson
2.  Billy Faulds
6.  Alan Eastwood
10 George Cairns
3.  Ian McKay
7   Graham Hutchison
11 Tommy Rae
4. David Flochart
8. Colin McGregor
3rd Row 
1. Catherine McRorie
5. Martha Carse
9. Isobel Stewart
2.  June Marshall
6.  Elizabeth Davidson
10   Christine Spence
3.  Jacqueline Collins
7   Catherine Bowman
11 Jean McLure
4.  June Garsides
8.  Rosina Phillips
2nd Row
1. Jean Herschel
5. Marlyn Deas
9. Jessie Corrigan
2.  Irene O'Hara
6.  Jacqueline Deas
10 Elisabeth Murphy
3. Joan Martin
7  Sandra Gray
11 Catherine Wright
4. Elspeth Bell
8. Faye Gorman
12 Julia Currie
Front Row 1. Jackie Stevenson
5. James Smith
9 John Chisholm
2.  James McKenna
6.  Alex McGregor
3.  Drew Russell
7. John McRorie
4. Kenneth McCabe
8. Bobby Davidson
Please contact webmaister if you can put a name to a face.  



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