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 Springfield Primary School   4th Apr.1957    primary 5 class


 Jan 2007,  Class photograph sent by William Neilly, Hamilton, Scotland

Top Row 1.  James McCraw  
  Robert Meechan 
2.  John Muir
7   Alex Eden
3.   Russell Sinclair
   Ronald McDonald 
4.  John McLear  
 William Gray
5    David Collins 
  John McKenna 
  John Paterson
3rd Row

1.Margaret Crosbie 
Margaret Gray

2. Ellen Miller
7  A. Traveller
4. Janet Chisholm 
9  Wilma McColl
5    Margaret Armour 
10  Fay Wiper
2nd Row 1.  Janet Winchole
Linda Park 
2.  Margaret Clark
7   Christine Speirs
3.  Ann Graham
   Janet Porter 
11 Jean Turner
4.   Dorcas Morrison 
   Ann Orr 
12 Pearl Bradley
5.  Janice McGarr
Margaret Meehan 
13 Christine Connell
Front Row 1.   Morton Frazer 
  James Weir
2. Lesley Davidson
  Arthur Dick
3. William Neilly  
   Dennis Edney 
4.  Robert Cookman
   Alex Lynch
5  Douglas Wallace
  Please contact webmaister if you can put a name to a face or have a tale to tell


See also Riverside Secondary class 4A photograph


Nov.2007, email from Ian Allan
Just found your website and as my wife Wilma was raised in Brigton I showed her the school photo section and she was surprised to see her brother in the Springfield Road 1957 Primary 5 picture, his name is Alex Eden (Back row , position 7, wearing the Tank top,  much too his embarrassment and our satisfaction)  Thanks for that! Best Wishes.
Aug.2011, email from GlescaPal William Neilly (glesca artist)
Webmaister,  It was great meeting you and some of the other GlescaPals in person at Eddie's 60th Birthday Bash.  It's good to be able to put a face to a name.  I was delighted to have also met Jim Morrison whose sister Dorcas was in my class at Springfield Primary School.  Dorcas has contacted me through Jim and has provided some names and amendments to the  persons in our school photo - Springfield Primary 1957, Primary 5. 

I would be very pleased if you could make the following changes on the GlescaPals School Webpage. 

Front Row:  4. Robert Cookman (not Robert Gordon)  5. Douglas Wallace (not David Wallace).

2nd Row:  3. Ann Graham.  4. Dorcas Morrison (not Doris Morrison)  5. Janice McGarr  7. Christine Speirs  11. Jean Turner 
              12. Pearl Bradley  13. Christine Connell

3rd Row:  2. Ellen Miller  7. a traveller  9. Wilma McColl  10. Fay Wiper


Jim mentioned that Dorcas was a biblical name.  Dorcas, in Greek means "a deer", and she is mentioned in Acts 9: verses 36-42. 

Dorcas, also known as Tabitha, was a garment maker who lived in Joppa and spent all her time doing good deeds and helping the poor. She became very ill and died.  The disciple Peter who was visiting nearby Lydda was brought to Dorcas.  He prayed for her and brought Dorcas back to life.  The news about this spread all over Joppa and many people believed in the Lord.

Kind regards, glesca artist




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creator, owner & webmaister  Aug.2002 
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