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 Springfield Primary School  1954        (1954b)


Apr 2005,  Class photograph sent by Jim Ballantyne

Top Row 1. Mary Duncan
5. Tommy Dunbar
2. James Brae
6. James Smith
3. Tom Dunn
7   Brian Duncan
4. Billy McQueen
8  Betty Fleming
3rd Row 1  teacher Mr.Graham
6.  Jim Ballantyne
3. John Thomson

9  Lawrence Gow
4.  James Fairfield
8   Douglas McIntosh
2nd Row 1.         Wright
5. Mary Cox
9. Doreen Hall
2.  June Scott
6. Hannah Williamson
10.Frances Kilgannon
3.  Betty Main
7.  Janet Brady
11. Freda Winning
4.  Margaret McEwan
8.  Shona Watson
12.  Mary Gray
Front Row 1. 2.  Frank Wylie 3.  Maureen Roberts .
    Please contact the webmaister if you can put a name to a face or have a tale tae tell.  


Extract from messageboard, Irene Frost (nee Muir) South Australia brother is 3rd row no 10 John Muir now living in Castlemilk Glasgow.
Dec. 2007 Extract from email, Moira Mackay (nee McIntosh), East Kilbride, Scotland. brother Douglas McIntosh is in this photo and gave me most of the names....  30 names supplied!
Jan.2011 Extract from email, David Currie, Glasgow, Scotland.
......My mother Jeanette Currie nee Brady is in the school pic Springfield road primary 1954,pic 2...can i get a copy of this in some shape or form?




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