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   Springfield Rd Primary School      Class of 1966   11yr olds


Dec.2002, photo from Jim Maxwell, Toronto, Canada

Top Row 1. Colin Clark
5. Steven Docherty
2. Joe Hamilton
6. Joseph Prentice
3. James Leaper
7  Raymond Black
4. David Hoggan
8. Billy Comrie
4th Row 1. George Allan
5. David Crawford
2. Rickie McCuloch
6. Thomas Morrow
3. Edward Kelly
Jim Maxwell
4. David Glasgow
8. Teacher Mr Elder
3rd Row 
1. Billy Burton
5. Stuart Ballard
2. Johnny McMillan
6. Ian Wilson
3. Donald Smith
7  James Linton
4. Thomas Smith
8. Ronnie Burns
9. Robert Keay
2nd Row
1. Jean Skinner
5. Maureen Graham
2. Elsie Wright
6. Agnes Cardoo
3. Lorraine Longridge
7. Moira Faulds 
4. Katrina Jeffreys
8. Florence McLear
9. Janet McGillan
Front Row . 1. May Anderson 2. Mary McMillan .

Please contact webmaister if you can put a name to a face.  


Dec.2002 , extract from e-mail, Jim Maxwell, Toronto, Canada
"......I have an old school photo that I thought you might like to add to your website it was taken in April 1966, Springfield Rd Primary School....I attended the school from 1960-1967 then Riverside from 1967-1970
Apr.2008 GlescaPal Janet Leggat (nee McGillan), Glasgow
see her Dad's school photo Riverside 1946, her uncles school photo Queen Mary Street 1953 and her sister's school photo Springfield Primary 1966
Sept.2009 Webmaister
... I had the great pleasure of meeting Jim Maxwell in Toronto at the GlescaPals 2009 Hoose Party 
See the photos and read all about it.



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creator, owner & webmaister  Aug.2002 
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