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      Our Lady of Fatima Primary School


I have received e-mails from GlescaPals and the consensus is that Springfield Primary School in
Lily St / Connel St  existed from 1883 until 1969
The school then became 'Our Lady of Fatima school' before being destroyed by fire in August 1973.



 new Primary school, 1969

photo from Glasgow City Council, Libraries Information and Learning
new Primary School in Allan Street in Dalmarnock taken shortly after it opened in February 1969.

c1883 the old school building Springfield Primary School


June 2002, email Graham Hutchison, Australia
Having accessed the Mitchell Library "Mitchell Collection", I was fairly methodically going through the street photos looking for more memories.
Would you believe that I discovered my old school, Springfield  Primary listed under the guise of Our Lady Of Fatima school, I couldn't believe it.
I know the chapel was just around the corner but from memory, I don't believe there actually was an Our Lady Of Fatima school.
I E-Mailed the Mitchell to tell them of my findings thinking here is my opportunity to cover myself in glory and forever be at the forefront of "The History of Glasgow".
They replied very quickly advising that there have been a few errors pointed out to them and that they hoped to correct them when the website is modified.
Ah well another dream shattered.  
 I visit your website every day to see who or what is new.  Saw my old mate Bob's entry in the guestbook.
By the way tell him to get his finger out and respond to my E-Mail.   Best regards   Graham


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