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     London Road Primary School    Class of 1950   9yr olds


Dec.2002, Extract from Robert Reaper, East Kilbride, Scotland,  ( e-mail :  tba )
 I left London Road Primary School in 1953 
 (I am now early-retired from British Telecom.. widowed and living in East Kilbride )
That's me in the middle row 5th from the right..other faces I can remember.. Alex Angeley, Willy Miller, Jack Adair, Leslie Hutton, Robert Baird, Andy Milligan, Davy Jackson,.. and the girl I was madly in love with.. Sandra Hume..(TEN I WAS !!!! :-))...also the redoubtable Miss Pate..if anybody could add more names to faces, please do so, as 50 years is a long time to go back!"

Top Row 1. Jim McCafferty
5.  Robert Watson
9.  Robert Miller
2.  Andy Wilson
6.  Jack Adair
3. Davy Jackson
7  John Thomson (Fudgie)
4. David Shepherd
8. Alex Angely
3rd Row 
1. Teacher Miss Pate
5. Jackie Draffin
9.  Davie McAlear
2.  Robert Baird
6. John Ferguson (Danger Man)
10. Wullie McConnell
7.  Robert Reaper
11. Leslie Hutton
4. Hugh (chic) Fullerton
8. Andrew Milligan
2nd Row
1. Lily Pride
9.John Ready
2.        Snodgrass
10.  Sandra Hume
3.   Anne Winning
7.   Betty Burke
11. Betty Anderson
Front Row 1. Margaret McLaren
2. Andrew Maitland
6. George Law
3. Rena Kennedy 4. Jackie Kay
    Please contact Webmaister if you can put a name to a face or have a tale tae tell


June 2003, Extract from e-mail. Jim McCafferty, New York, USA 
I just can't get enough of this website, I get on it first thing in the morning and just forget the time thanks again Webmaister. I wonder if anyone out there knows the whereabouts of some of my old school mates, Alex Angely, Les and Dave Jackson. We all attended London Road Primary School untill 1952 then went to Riverside Secondary School. thank you. I hope other people write in and fill in the blanks, especially Alex Angley he was my best man and we have been trying to get in touch with him for over 40 years.

August 2003, Extract from e-mail. Hugh Fullerton, 
Hugh's daughter Shona sent me on behalf of her Dad an incredible 28 names, which I have added to the photo.

January 2017, Extract from e-mail. Cathie Coghill (nee Law), Irvine, Scotland, Age 74
no 6 in the bottom of this picture is my brother and his name is George Law he is home from south africa at the moment and he spotted it.




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