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         John Street Secondary School   1945-46


Back Row 1. J. Brownlie 2. W. Hall 3. S. Hamilton 4. 5.

3rd Row
1. 2.  Ronnie Smart 3. R. Glendinning
4.Mr. McKay
. . . 6. David Donaghy 7. Mr. Dunn (PE)

2nd Row
1. 2.  3. M.Holland 4. Carmella Tortora 5.
. . . 6. 7.Marjorie Fyfe
Front Row . 1. Lex Aird 2. A. Mays . .

Contact the Webmaister if you have a name or have a tale tae tell


May 2003, my thanks to Jim Turnbull for supplying names for this photo

May 2010, David Donaghy, Glasgow
John Street Secondary School photograph 1945/46.   3rd row - no.7 - Mr. Dunn (P.E.).   2nd row - no.3 - M. Holland; no.7 - M. Fyfe.   Front row - no. 1 - Lex Aird. (The boy standing next to Mr. Dunn could be ME but I'm not sure - I don't remember this photograph being taken.
Jan 2011, Carrie Dawson (nee Burns)
Webmaister, I was looking at your School photographs and noticed an old friend had written to you in 2010, with information on his photograph of 1945/46 John St.Senior Secondary School, Bridgeton.
His name is David Donaghy and we were friends when we attended St.,Margarets Parish Church Youth Club in Oatlands in 1955.
I would love to talk over old times, is it possible for you to pass on my e-mail address, I would be grateful if you would.  Thank You, Mrs Carrie Dowson (nee Burns}.
Feb 2011, David Donaghy, Glasgow
Through the GlescaPals website I am now in contact with a friend I last saw 62 years ago!  
The photograph names:- 2nd row - No.1 I think is Rosalie Guy.   Rosalie and I were the only two who sat Higher German in Miss Henderson's class in 1947.   Rosalie's brother, Jimmy, played for the now defunct Third Lanark F.C. Carmella Tortora is No.4.  
In this photograph, Ronnie Smart was my best man when I got married in 1953.  
I wonder if any of the others are still around and remember me?

Webmaister,   I've had another look at the above photograph and I now think my identification of Rosalie Guy is false.   I now remember the girl at no.1 in the 2nd row but not her name.   (The photo of Rosalie in the 1945 hockey team picture is a very good likeness).   With apologies,   David Donaghy.


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