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  John Street Primary School  fitba' team c1957  Bridgeton,


Back Row 1.  George McKay
6. John McFarlane
2.  Junior Cowan
7   John Crosbie
3.  Sam Rankin
4. Alex Anderson
5.Donnie Morrison 
Front Row 1. Joe Clark 2. John Bagdonas 3. Donnie Watson  4. Bobby Crosbie 5. Jim McCulloch 


Nov 2004. Photo sent in by Rosemary Johnston (nee Crossan), Australia.
Her friend Donnie Morrison gave her the photograph

April 2019 email from Alex Anderson, Bellshill, Scotland, Age 73.
Hi, I would like to supply the correct names to photo of the "FITBA TEAM " John Street Primary Fitba Team  photo c1957,    1. George Mckay, not John Buchanan,     Middle in bottom row,  3. Donnie Watson,
This team won school football cups and leagues, it consists of boys from streets all around a mile from Bridgeton Cross. I  am in the back row ( 4  the goalkeeper ) Alex. Anderson, Mackeith st.



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