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John  Street Primary School    1952-53 


(this primary school was located at Hozier Street Bridgeton ....  ).

Back Row 1
6 David Hillet
2 James Trotter 
3 Kenneth Cranston
5 John Campbell
3rd Row 1 Muriel Hastings
6 Ronnie Waddell
2  Elizabeth Gatheral
7  Billy Irvine    
3 James Hay
8 Eddie Miller 
5  David
10 Irene Lindsay
11 Frances Mclellan
2nd Row 1 Evelyn Baird
6 Irene
2  Doreen Mungin
7  Nan Hay    
3 Margaret Davidson
4 Elaine Montgomery
9 Helen Bavairg
5  Isabel Lawson
11.Margt. Henderson
Front  . 1 2 John Steen 3 John Lyons .


Photo submitted  Sept 2006, Nan Georghiou (nee Hay), London, England
 ..... Webmaister having been introduced to your website by my brother I have enclosed two school photos which I hope you'll be able to scan and put onto the website.
See John St.Primary School 1948/49

Sept 2009, Margaret Reid (nee Henderson), New Zealand

Hi Webmaister, Thanks a million My husband and I left Glasgow for New Zealand 47 years ago and your website brought back so many memories we have never forgotten dear old Glasgow and we found my old school photo much to the delight of our grandchildren.

They wanted me to email you and ask if you can please put my name on John Street Primary School year 1952-1953 2nd row number 11 I was then Margaret Henderson thank you .  Keep up the good work.

Regards Margaret Reid

Nov.2009, GlescaPal Wilma, Toronto, Canada
Hi Margaret Reid....I was just looking at your school photo. I am killing myself laughing as I see John Lyons, 3rd on the front row.   Wow....when you remember back was that boy ever a teacher' nightmare. Do you remember when she would turn her back and he would do hand stands and he wouldn't sit for a minute



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