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 John  Street Primary School   June 3rd 1947-48  9yrs old


(this primary school was located at Hozier Street Bridgeton ....  ).


Back Row 1. 
2. George Baker
7.  Jim Muir      
3. Robert Russell
8. James Gilby    
4. David Kinloch
9. Billy Nimmo
5.Andrew Paterson   
10  Miss Findlayson
3rd Row 1. 
2. James Henderson
3. Alan
8. Bobby Marsh    
4. David McKail
5. Colin Beveridge    
2nd Row 1. Margo Leitch
6. May Parker
2. Alice Gowans
7. Helen Hudson       
3. Ellen Hood
8. Helen Houston    
4. Isobel Jordan
5.  May Cullen   
10 Betty Rankin
11 Maureen Flynn
Front  1. Elsie White Sybil Buchanan  3 Betty Herd 4  Dorothy 5  Maragaret Nimmo
.Please contact webmaister if you can put a name to a face.  



Feb 2005. Photo sent in by Alice Maxwell nee Gowans
" ..........I attended ..John St. Primary and Senior Secondary Schools.. along with my sister Georgina (Dinah) and brother John. We were born and raised in James Street, Bridgeton (up the Post Office pend) and have fond memories of our lives there. My sister and brother now live in South Wales and New Zealand.
Please give my thanks to ...Sybil Stewart (nee Buchanan); George West..Ayrshire; Bob Currie... Strathaven (all ex John street primary pupils ) for giving me some of the names. Maybe others can help fill in the black spaces? I do hope so..."
.See Alice's John Street Secondary School photo from 1951
March 2005. David McKail  an actor residing in London. See his website
David was born in Glasgow on 13 March 1938. He was educated at John Street Elementary School and John Street Senior Secondary School for a term before attending Allan Glen's School



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