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Haghill Primary School    Class of c1968


These old photos always pull out some talking points.... what about the teacher? 
Mrs McCallum in her mini-skirt and thick rimmed glasses, a 1960's swinger! Smashing hairstyles too.
The Jeffrey twins in row three wearing the same top and same hairstyles ( very common then that mammy's dressed their twins exactly the same ).
Aye a smashing class photograph.

top 1. 
5  Brian McLennigan
2  Kenny McFarlane
6  Stuart Wilson
3.   David Colligan
7    Jamie McQuade
4.  George Dickie
8   John McIntosh
9   Steven Cullen
3rd 1.teacher Mrs McCallum
5  Sandra Frame
2  Elizabeth Hume
6  Sheila Davis
3.  Moira Jeffrey
7   Carol Moore
9   Alisia Brown
4.  Hazel Jeffrey
8   Morag Galloway
2nd 1.  Catherine McCann
5   Betty Scott
Mary Carmichael
6  Kim Kendall
3.  Jackie Hunter
7   Elizabeth Smith
4.  Audrey Simpson
8   Margaret Wilson
9  Leanora Nutman
front . Stuart Fagen . .


The wee boy at the front all alone probably wondering why me!!


Feb.2006 - photo sent in by Mary Turnbull (nee Carmichael) see her c1963 class photograph.



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