July 2006, Extract from email. USA, Billie Bailey
Hello, I was looking at your site and found pictures from DPS, I
am in one of them and was tickled to
see it. I am in class 1967 8
year olds in the second row the last wee girl on the right. My
name was
Wilma Gorman back then, I still have family living in
Glasgow, Dalmarnock road to be exact. I am living
in the USA and look at
your site often, just for a trip down memory lane.
My Daddy drove a bus and my Mum was a clippy when they met, we lived at
number 10 Reid street, and
when I came back after being in the Army I
lived at number 60 Reid street, you know what they say, You
can take the
girl out of Bridgeton, but you can't take Bridgeton out of the girl.
Thank you for all your hard work, and God Bless, Billie Bailey