Dalmarnock Primary School Albany
Street, Bridgeton SPRAYS |
Aug.2009 received this fabulous
cartoon from Les Jolly a fomer pupil of Annfield Primary School, he
attached a cartoon which may be of
interest. It was written by an artist, I think his name is David, who
was a pupil at Annfield Primary. I left the East End in 1973 and used
the “Spray Baths”, it’s definitely part of our social
history. Regards, Les."
Webmaister: yes indeed Les a part of our social history, I remember
getting the 'sprays' at Dalmarnock
Pimary School
A fabulous cartoon be great if we could get the artist's full name.
Sept.2016 Success !!! received this email ..... I'm the author and artist of the cartoon that appears on your school photos page.
It's from my Kindle book 'Walking doon the Gallowgate'. I was at Annfield Primary in Cubie Street from 1955-1962.
Best wishes, David Moffat
Webmaister: Lovely to hear from David and to credit him for the wonderful cartoon and indeed his Kindle book....
Walking doon the Gallowgate
Walking doon the Gallowgate is the humorous story of the author’s childhood in 1950s Glasgow.
Told in words and pictures (over 300
drawings, and photographs) the book looks at family, school and life in
through the all seeing, unblinking eyes of a
pre-teenage boy.
I remember at Dalmarnock primary
school late 1950s , early 1960s.
A big lorry would park in Albany street and silver 6ft by 6ft
panels were carried in and assembled into portable showers, only sides
with no roof, built in the playground near the toilets. We were assembled and then
sent in to get a shower. Carbolic soap, a towel and scrubbers
were given to you. Outside
school toilets too of course in the playground.
I attended Dalmarnock Primary from 1959 till 1965.
June 2015, John Brown, Glasgow
as if it were yesterday I also went to Dalmarnock primary in the early
fifties and remember the showers think it was quite unique maybe not at
the time though
June 2015, Christine Gallagher, Glasgow
Set up in the boys
playground, we called them sprays and rain or shine we were out there
I lived in 37 Fairbairn Street, all of us either lived in a room
& kitchen or a single end, with ootside toilets, though my Granny
in Finnart street had an inside toilet, which was a treat - I dont
remember how often the sprays came to Dalmarnock, but the big grey van
was seen driving into the boys playground and assembled into cubes, no
roof that I remember, and I take it there was a rota of class to class,
an you were handed a wee bit of carbolic soap and a Corporation Towel
the size of a tea towel lol - and you were rushed in and out, no fancy
shampoos in those days and back to class, all with soaking wet hair,
but feeling squeaky clean, besides this, we kids sometimes went for a
4d bath to the steamie in Ruby Street on a Friday night, when your Da
got his wages, and you sat in the queue, I think it was an extra penny
for a bit of soap and again a wee towel, but every time an adult came
in you had to give them your place, no arguing there, as they would
have been going to the dancing on a Friday night, and I remember when
they replaced the white baths with the silver massively deep slippper
baths, oh bliss, as the wee woman ootside didnt have control of how
much water you got them, as she used to bang the door and say 'that's
enough water' and her constant banging the door - come oan get oot - a
bath was never as good as those days,
We always called them 'sprays' didn't we - don't think we had ever heard the word 'shower' except for rain.
Webmaister : superb Christine !
June 2015, James Donaldson, Glasgow
Remember it well when they faced into
the old sheds bloody cold in the winter
June 2015, Harry Turner, Glasgow
mind we
used tae use the panels as goals at playtime and thon big grey lorry
used tae take a batterin wen we took penalties n missed the
goal.lol.memories eh.
June 2015, Billy Hart, Glasgow
loved the sprays cos we didna have a bath in the house
2015, Patricia Alexander (nee Docherty), South Africa
Webmaister William we went to the same school and I'm
worried now I can't remember that!!!!!!!!!!!
Webmaister:- Yes
Patricia not many folk do remember the 'sprays' and I've not heard of
many schools that got them
June 2015, Rod Gall, Australia
we used to get them
a St.Marks Primary school in
the 50s
June 2015, Margaret Reid, Melbourne, Australia
was mobile showers we had in our school in Springburn too..
June 2015, Mary Farries, Australia
We had outside DRY
toilets at St
Luke's School in the Gorbals. Attached to the back of the
school was a school
for special needs children. Every Friday morning we were taken there
& a green lady checked us for nits & if we needed a 'spray' we
went into communal showers
Jan. 2020, Gordon Clark, Age 70, Fort William, Scotland
Came over the stories of the Glesga Sprays. This is
close to my heart
as the man in charge of the sprays and the "GREEN LADIES" was my
His name was George Clark and he worked up to retiral in1973 at which
point the "MOBILE SPRAY BATH UNIT" as it was called was also retired.
If I can work out how to, I will post a couple of pictures of the unit
for amusement. Aw ra