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Bernard St. Junior Secondary School 
  Fitba team of 1967


January 2003 photograph sent in by Jim Inglis

     3rd year Intramural Summer Cup championship football team 

Top Row 

1  John Ferguson
6. Robert Cartlidge
2. Wullie Young 3. Tommy Maitland 4.  Christie Ross 5. Peter Haining
Front Row. 1  Jimmy Inglis 2. Andy Gilfillan. 3. Andy Cullen 4.  John Slith 5.  Davie McLeish
  Please contact webmaister if you can put a name to a face or have a tale tae tell.



Jan. 2003, Extract from e-mail,  Jim Inglis, Ontario, Canada 
"Great website Webmaister, I have lots of great memories of the "Buggie Lawn", the Dummy, Bully and Dalmarnock School. I was born in 209 Baltic Street in Oct 1952, moved to my grannies close No. 223, at the Dunn St. corner around 1957 until the building came down in 1968. 
Feb.2004, Extract from e-mail,  Robert Cartledge (junior)
Top Row No. 6 Robert Cartledge.
I was told my fathers photo was on this web site and had a look, I'm sure he would like to hear for anyone that was in this picture.
Regards  Robert Cartledge (Junior)



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creator, owner & webmaister  Aug.2002 
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