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Bernard St. Junior Secondary School   1962a


April 2003.   



3. Jim Thomson
5. Ben Allison
4. Jimmy McGibbon
1  Teacher Mr.David
5. John McMillan
4. Graham McCance
1  Kenny Morrow
2. Davy Kerr

5.Bernie (Benny) Stewart
4. Joe Thomson 
  Please contact Webmaister if you can put a name to a face or have a tale tae tell.  


July 2005, Extract from email ........I saw the school photo and was amazed to see myself in the [class 31a] picture. My name is Ben Allison standing on the back row second right. I used to live at 21 Comelypark Street off the Gallowgate. Great website, keep up the good work.     p.s. that was a wild jumper how could i forget that. 
Aug. 2005, Extract from email ........Top Row No 4 thats me with the Beatle Haircut, Jimmy McGibbon. 2nd Row No 4 is Graham McCance of Frazer St Barrowfield, he emigrated to Australia late sixties and is now deceased. Front Row No 2 is Davy Kerr. Bumped into him outside the Barrowland mid-seventies, he was a bouncer. Front Row No 4 is Joe Thomson, he lived in the building on London Rd in front of Church House, the Close next to Curley's shop. I recognise some first or second names of the other lads. All the best, Jimmy McGibbon
Oct.2009 GlescaPal Ronnie McPhee, London
Wonderful photographs Webmaister. Whilst perusing I noticed in the 1962a photograph of Bernard Street School, wearing the glasses is the English teacher Mr David, a very affible fellow
Oct.2012, Extract from email, John McMillan, Glasgow
Hi John McMillan here thats me in 2nd row number five  Bernard St secondry school 1962 , thanks to you webmaister iv seen myself in Queen St primary in 1956  at 6   years old with all my childhood pals and now as a 13 year old many thanks.Having no photos at all from childhood I'll  be able too show my three daughters the oldest 40 next week what a trend setter their old Da was back then with the beatle haircut and the school blazer with the school badge on it aw ra best John McMillan.

Webmaister: my pleasure pal.

June 2017, Extract from email, Tracey Lumsden, Falkirk
Hi, came across your page via a friend. Just wanted to add a name to you photo from 1962 Bernard Street Junior Secondary.  Bottom row 5th from the left is my dad Bernie (Benny) Stewart. Lives in Ayrshire now, 4 daughters and a son and could remember some of the faces and would be keen to hear from them.



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