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    Barrowfield Street Primary School  


Barrowfield Street Primary School, old school photo c1962

Barrowfield PS c1960s

Barrowfield PS, corner of Barrowfield Street and Fraser Street.
The "big yins" gate was in Fraser Street at the van and the "wee wans" in Barrowfield St. 
There was extremely dilapidated tenements surrounding the school and the "Jannys" hoose was the small building to the left as you enter through the big yins gate. The school bell was  on the wall of the wee yins and the janny rang it at 8.50 am every school day through pulling the rope which was kept in a locked wooden box fixed to the wall. The Church in the background is 'Church House'
Sketch below shows the street names.

The old school was replaced with this modern version

Barrowfield St School, Barrowfield Street looking south east. 
With the new school building Fraser St no longer extends to London Road.

Barrowfield St. School

bps nov2002
Barrowfield Street PS from London Road, Nov.2002

See Barrowfield Street photos


Extract from e-mail GlescaPal Ronnie McPhee, London
First let me congratulate you on an excellent site of an area which I know very well....I attended 
Barrowfield Primary School and Bernard Street. Secondary School I have already forwarded the website address to relatives in Iowa, USA and they are also impressed.  

Nov. 2016 Extract from email, Hazel Smith, Age 49, Eastleigh, England
Hi I left Barrowfield when I was 9 nearly 10 in August 1976 to live in England but have no school photos. Hoping someone may have one please
My teacher was Miss Hastings. I remember we had to go to Queen Mary a street for a while too many thanks



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