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  ...a social history of Glesca's east-end

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 Billy Boys



 the Orange Ludge and 'bauns' in Glesca's east-end

Eastern Amateur flute band from Bridgeton    Page9 & Page9a
Liverpool c1975

I was sent this photo from Mr.Alex Barbour a former secretary of the band. The photo was taken c1975 when the band was visiting Liverpool for the 12th July parade, the band visited Liverpool regularly and Alex believes the 'Amateurs' were one of the first Scottish band to do so? Alex still resides in Glasgow and is a fan of the GlescaPals website.  Mar.2008

4 5 6  Donny Watson 7 Tam Watson Presi 8  Tam McLenenny 9  Ian Hemphill 10  Jim Anderson
11  Walter 12 13  Alex Barbour Jnr 14  Tam Watson Jnr 15  Tam McCulloch 16 17  Billy Baird
18 Billy Allison 19  John Thomson
20  Alex Barbour Sec 21  Geo.McKay Sen 22 23 Peter Bowes 24
  1  Tam Hemphill 2   George Clark 3  Jim Thomson 25 26 Geo.McKay Jnr  



            #Note No.18 was shown as Billy Hemphill but I'm assured it is Billy Allison

Oct.2008, GP Messageboard, Jack O'Hara, London
This ones for the webmaister on the page the orange lodge and bands in glescas east-end theres a band the eastern amateur flute band from bridgeton you have no.2 down as somebody called thomson thats wrong his name is george clark we were pals in the 60s he lived in parkhead down from the granada on the opposite side of the street I hope this helps you Wull.  
Mar.2009, Alex Barbour, Glasgow
Webmaister Wull... could you please thank Jack O'Hara of London for correcting the name of Thompson to George Clark in the photo of the Eastern Amateurs flute band. 
This is what I had hoped for, that people would take notice and e-mail you with information. I originally came from Parkhead myself and therefore have an interest in any information given. I currently do not have a computer of my own and I am using a relatives computer to send this e-mail. I therefore only have access occasionally to the website. Thanks for updating it. 
Alex Barbour (Secretary for Eastern Amateurs FB)
Mar.2023, email, Billy Baird, age 68, Glasgow, Scotland.                                              
Eastern Amateurs flute band 1975. I am No.17 Billy Baird, No.18 is Billy Allison and No.19 is John Thomson.
We played with the Camlachie Loyal Star and guested with the Eastern Amateurs for two yeras on the twelth in Liverpool, hope you can include our names on your site.
# No.18 I am positive is Billy Allison, there were five of us from Camlachie, George Clark and Jim Thomson were the other two, both sadly deceased, Jim was John's brother.


See Eastern Amateurs FB 12th July1959 photo

Photo below from GlescaPal Henry taken c1967  ......... recognise anyone?

LOL 37 District, Bridgeton 

In the background is the British Paints works,
St Crispin Works, in Cornwall Street, Glasgow

From the map it looks like the parade is marching into Scotland St.

The bald guy at the front is
Big Tam Crawford.
To his left its possibly Danny Houston
The band is the Easter Amateurs FB
being led by Willie Bowes


July 2014, Email, Elizabeth Lacey, Uddingston, Glasgow
My brother James McKenna (Tiddles) in on Tam Crawford's right-hand side and next to James is Wullie Ford.
Both prominent member of 37 district during their younger years


From the STV comedy programme 'Only an Excuse' 

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Eastern Amateur flute band from Bridgeton    Page9 & Page9a


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