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Glasgow Green   The People's Palace   


The opening ceremony for the People's Palace, held in the vast Winter Gardens at the rear of the building on 22 Jan 1898.
In 1866 the sale of the old Bridgeton bleaching green raised £2,500.
The money was earmarked for the building of a new museum, reading room and art gallery in the East End, but in the meantime was put on deposit with the Clydesdale Bank to gain interest.
In 1878 the Glasgow Public Parks, Museums and Galleries Act was passed, giving the Lord Provost and Council the authority to go ahead with the project. Building work started in 1895 after various delays, and in 1898 the People's Palace was opened by Lord Rosebery.
He declared the building "open to the people for ever and ever"
The total cost of construction was £32,000.
"A palace of pleasure and imagination around which the people may place their affections
and which may give them a home on which their memory may rest"
Lord Rosebery at the opening ceremony 22 Jan. 1898.


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Photograph June 2002

Anyone visiting Bridgeton must go to the Peoples Palace a wonderful 'peoples museum' excellent exhibitions and beautiful winter gardens. This museum tells the story of the people of Glasgow from 1175 to the present 
The People's Palace and Winter Gardens opened in January 1898 by the Earl of Rosebery. He declared the building "open to the people for ever and ever"
It was built as a cultural centre for the people of the East-end at a time when this was one of the most unhealthy and overcrowded parts of the city. 
Originally the building was divided into reading and recreation rooms on the ground floor, a museum on the first floor and a picture gallery on the top floor. Since the 1940's it has been the local history museum of Glasgow.
The collections and displays reflect the changing face of the city and the different experiences of Glaswegians at home, work and leisure. 


. Photograph June 2002

It is fitting that a museum rich in working class life is situated here in Bridgeton.
Located on the edge of Glasgow Green, The People's Palace relates the story of Glasgow from 1175 to the present day. The rise of the Tobacco Lords, who built fabulous mansions in the City, and the plight of the poor, forced to live in their "Single Ends", are both graphically illustrated.
Alongside the exhibitions there is a Museum shop which sells a wide range of souvenirs of Glasgow and there is a Cafe in the Winter Gardens serving a range of light refreshments and  snacks. The Winter Gardens can also be hired for wedding receptions.....a really splendid place to have a reception. 

In 1814 the land to the south of the River Clyde was designated Europe's first public park.......
............yes Bridgeton's Glasgow Green!

ADDRESS   People's Palace, Glasgow Green, G40 1AT.  Telephone 0141 554 0223.

Glasgow's City bus tour passes the People's Palace so get aff the bus and come in for a visit!
Glasgow Green was a traditional area for washing clothes.
Generation of football enthusiasts honed their skills on "The Green" and indeed it  was the first home
of Glasgow Rangers FC at the pitches on Flesher's Haugh.



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