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 Glasgow Green ......the Fleshers' Haugh  



Greenhead Street tenements in the background. The industrial side of Bridgeton can be seen in this photograph, look at the number of chimneys....


Generation of football enthusiasts honed their skills on "The Green" and indeed it  was the first home of
Glasgow Rangers FC and still today 'Brigton' and Rangers have a certain special relationship. 
Fleshers Haugh in the early days had eighteen fitba pitches, originally 'black ash' but when I played on it in the 1960s is was 'red blaes'. The playing surface was laid on a rock hard foundation a nd these pitches flooded very quickly when it rained. Many a skint knee was 'made in Glesga Green' ..... oh it was sore!  I played on these pitches for the school and the BB also kick-abouts with pals.
Every year the carnival arrived and set-up their stalls and rides on the pitches.
The pitches and changing facilities were closed in 1992 now replaced with The Glasgow Green Football Centre which opened in 2000 providing grass and artificial turf pitches.


   Slight changes eh?  The Glasgow Green Football Centre is the building in the background.



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