Glesca phrases
& patter |
folk don't like to pronounce their "t's" and our dialect is full of
humour and some wonderful put downs..........
Glesca's pure ded brull-yant
Glasgow is a great City
awra best folk cum frae brigton
All the best people are born in Bridgeton
Hows it gon ?
how are you keeping?
Hullaw ther, hows it gon
Hello, how are you keeping?
geeza brek ......gonny geeza brek
Please give me some peace, leave me a lone, go away
c'mon get aff
A bus driver asking you to get off his bus
Ah get aff at the next stoap
The next bus stop is where I alight
erra perra chairs ower ther
There is a pair of chairs over there
They're a perra warmers
Pointing out two odd people
Whit a glaiket looking burd
An ugly woman
Gonny 'no dae that
please don't do that
gonny geeza a haun
please help me
This disnae wurk
the item concerned does not work
where's the lavvy
could you tell me where the toilet is?
nae borra
no bother at all
whit a minging night
the weather's atrocious tonight
its stoatin aff the grun
Its raining very heavy, so heavy its bouncing off
the street
Gie it laldy, belt it oot
sing loudly
She's ah stoater
that girl is gorgeous
Ahm gon hame, Ahm joe the toff
Say this when you are going home, leaving company
Ahm no comin hame tae ra morra
I'll be home tomorrow
Ah'm scunnert wi him
I am fed up with him
gie him a hauf an ah'll hiv wan tae
Two whiskys please
Ahm dying fur a pint
I am very thirsty and would like a Pint of beer
An wan fur yersell !!
A phrase barman like to hear 'give yourself a drink'
Mah heids burstin'
I have an aching sore head....normally due to
Kin ah go oot tae play
Normally a childs plea to his mother 'can I go out
to play'
Hiv ye eny pokes
could I have a paper bag
a pokey hat
an ice cream cone for children
I'll skelp yer erse if ah get any mer lip
A mother telling her child to behave ...or else
Teddy bears, the Gers, boys in blue
Glasgow Rangers FC
A bluenose
A Rangers supporter
The bhoys, the celts, timalloys
Glasgow Celtic FC
eejit, bampot, plonker, diddy etc
a person you think is an idiot
Ah slid and landed oan ma jaxie
A phrase explaining that you fell and landed on your bum
Och his heids up his a***
he is talking rubbish
whit ah guff
what is that smell!
Away 'n bile yer heid
stop talking nonsense
Ur ye talking tae me ur chewin a brick
you are talking nonsense
Whits that fur?
If looking at an object we are asking "what does it
If you were hit or stared at, You would be enquiring.."Why?"
Get yer hauns aff
Unhandle me!
Leave me alone
"We're a' Jock Tamson's bairns"
Rev. John Thomson
was the minister in the early 19th century of Duddington Kirk from
1805-1840, a church set at the foot of Arthur's Seat not far from the centre
of Edinburgh. The story goes that he was so highly regarded in the parish
that even those not members of the Church of Scotland would say, 'We're all
Jock Tamson's bairns'. Walter Scott was an elder of the church, and Thomson
was a close friend of the painters Turner and Raeburn, and this may well
have helped popularise the expression. Its also reputed that the
minister called the members of his congregation "ma bairns" |