Advertising rates and
examples ---- 6 great examples listed
24 / 7 advert
1. Name advert
Name, Description
& link
Your designed name with a brief description, maximum
30 words.
only £10
company name designed by the Glesga Pals webmaister
along with a brief description with a link to your e-mail or website
2. Clipart advert
Clipart, Description
& link
Clipart and name with a brief description, maximum
30 words.
only £15
1000.s of cliparts available
and a brief description with a link to your e-mail or website
3. Logo advert A
Logo, Description & link
Your logo and name with a brief description
only £20
( £20 = 38p per week )
A Glesca book etc etc
your words here
4. Logo advert B
& E fire and electrical services
highly recommended by the Webmaister
etc etc
5. Logo advert C
Logo, Description
& link
Your logo and name with a brief description
only £20
(note: per annum rate gets your advert on
GlescaPals website ads page
and GlescaPals messageboard )
Scottish Folk band etc etc
6. Full webpage
A full webpage advert
Your webpage advert designed by the GlescaPals webmaister
from £69
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
# Your own GlescaPals webpage
# Your advert on the ads webpage
# Your own advert on the GlescaPals messageboard
Your very
own webpage
with up to 3 photographs and full text describing your product
See example1 See example2 See example3
Note this is an international PAYPAL
account and security system
Purchase an advert or webpage and get a FREE
advert on the GlescaPals worldwide messageboard
logos designed FREE
for adverts on Glesga Pals
If you don't have a logo I can design one for you
Advert enquiry
Advert prices are per annum
payable via online
payment links at paypal
24 / 7 advert
Simply choose your advert type from styles
1 to 6 shown above
Then contact GlescaPals webmaister with
your details and requirements....Adverts are
uploaded on approval
Well designed
adverts work to promote and sell products GlesgaPals adverts are
carefully chosen as suitable for this website and all links regularly
inspected and maintained. The fees are used to offset the
time and the running costs incurred
with the upkeep of GlescaPals.