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GlescaPals messageboards  put a face tae the name!   

GlescaPals rogues gallery!   10 pages!


Wan o' mah GlescaPals suggested a 'wee rogues gallery' of the messageboard know put a face tae the many names who use and abuse the 'GlescaPals' messageboards!  Ah thought whit a good idea!  
If you would like YOUR photo here..( and you qualify ) then contact me
(a small donation to cover my time and costs ) 

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GlescPals families



GlescaPals official 'get - the - githers' photographs
GlescaPals lest we forget ...  Obituaries  Tribute tae oor Forces


Face, name, where you stay and the approx year the photograph was taken

(Glasgow, 2003)

Esther & Jimmy
(New Zealand, cc1960) 
Esther & Jimmy Campbell's photograph. 
Jimmy is an auld favourite on the board and everyone's pal. I am delighted to get this photograph of Esther & him. See their webpage Glesga Pals

(Glasgow, 1948)



(Glasgow, 2003)



(Glasgow, 2006)

maryjane joined Glesga pals in 2005 and attended her first 'swally' in Jan.2006
with her husband, Alex, where this photo was taken.

"..Hi Pals.... Well Alex and I had a great time last night, the company was first class...."


Marion NY
(New York, 2004)



Glesga Pal
(fraeToronto, 2003)
"jist sent ye wan o' me wi' ma "International 
Disguise Outfit
" ah' bet yese cannae 
tel thit it's me?? so ye cannae?? Ha! Ha! 
ah'm noo a Masterspy  wae a 'new identity! "
.see Jimmy & Donna's t-shirts.


(frae Glasgow, 2005)

Webmaister it's so strange aright enough how close you become to the pals. When you don't see them posting you are really worried and hope they are well.
I think you can say you have brought many of us together and although we don't know what most look like we know one another very well. When Jimmy Reid came to see me on the way to see his son it was as if I had known him and Donna all of my life. It was a great experience and one I am grateful for. Many a time I hear someone with a Glasgow accent and wonder to myself if they are one of the pals.  Thanks for great Boards and friends.......You can have all the money in the world and never be happy but as long as you have friends you are richer by far...

Wilma, (Canada, 2003)


Face, name, where you stay and the approx year the photograph was taken



When I started GlescaPals website in 2002 some of my stories were written with a Glesga accent merely to give my readers a feel, a smell, a coming hame.

But the real credit for introducing the Glesca accent 'big time' on the messageboard was mah Glesca Pal Ronnie. He was a great source of encouragement in my early days and would e-mail me just about every night!  Sometimes five and six e-mails!   ( I eventually had to fly doon tae London and fling his computer  oot the windae!  Tae gie me some peace! )


Two GlescaPals messageboards....
MB1 various Topics, Poems, Songs, Jokes ...Glasgow and non-Glasgow stuff
MB2 is for hivving a wee blether at the close or staunin' at the corner! 
         New pals are coming on board on a regular basis and out of the crop there are many wonderful all know who they are...and we are all the better off for reading and sharing their thoughts and opinions.
I am sure many people on my messageboards have had their minds and eyes opened reading GlescaPals. Many of you will be forming opinions of each other...guessing how they talk, how they look, trying to put a face to the name!.....Like some people, find some people annoying, laugh with some and cry with some ........ just like life in the real world.
This website takes up a lot of my free time, believe me, but ... its been worth it!


.Glesga 2001
Hullo pals, 
...GlescaPals photographs...enjoy!

Its a constant source of delight tae me how far this website has come since conception. People, from every corner of the globe, talking to each other, finding long lost pals and making new pals.....aye Glesga Pals.
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  © welcome to  GlescaPals / GlesgaPals  remember to sign the Guestbook 
creator, owner & webmaister  Aug.2002 
© copyright, no image or writings can be reproduced or copied without the owners consent