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Springfield Road Primary School  Class of 1953  

April 2003.  Jim McKenna sent in this class photograph.    see also the class of 1957
Top Row 1. Jessie Corrigan
James McKenna
9. Billy Griffen
2.  Jacqueline Collins
6.  Bernard Miles
10 Martha Carse
3.  Leslie Jackson
7   Bobby Davidson
11 Julie Currie
4. Joan Martin
8. Faye Gorman
3rd Row 
1. Kenneth McCabe
5. Billy Roxburgh
9. Alex Dearie
2.  Drew Russell
6.  Edwin Walker
10 Alan Kirkwood 
3.  James Whitelaw
7   Graham Hutchison
4.  Colin McGregor
2nd Row
1. Christine Spence
5. Susan
2.  Rita Will
6.  Catherine Bowman
10 Elspeth Bell
4. Elisabeth McKay
Front Row 1. Margaret Wilson
2.  Jean Herschel 3. Marlyn Deas 4. Jaqueline Deas

Please contact webmaster if you can put a name to a face.  

Extract from email April 2003 Jim McKenna, East Kilbride, Scotland
"I attended 'Springy' Primary from 1952 until 1959 then Riverside School until December 1962. After leaving school I worked for over 20 years in stores and warehouse jobs up to 1987 when I left work to attend The University of Strathclyde from where I graduated in 1991 with an honours degree.
I now work as a tutor of history on a one to one basis. I would like to hear from old friends and schoolmates" 
The original Springfield Primary existed from 1883 to 1969 in Connal and Lily Streets.
Then in 1969 the school was relocated the premises vacated became Our Lady Of Fatima school. 
Springfield Primary school was destroyed by fire in August 1973.


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